Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air.. and along with that comes the highly anticipated spring cleaning!

Remember the old Mr. Clean commercials, that after you use the product, the house literally sparkles! False advertizing, although.. the scent left over from using these products is so fresh and great, so I guess that makes up for the "glimmering" counters, floors, walls...

Victoria Beckham - February 2010, Glamour Magazine
But really, there is nothing like having a freshly cleaned house. There is something so rejuvinating and uplifting about it..

Also, the combination of loud music, singing at the top of your lungs and newly created dance moves has a way of putting me in a fantastic mood!

I don't know about you but when I clean, I feel extreme urges to redecorate as well.. it doubles -if not triples- the ammount of time it takes me to normally clean, buuuuut its sooooo refreshing...

I hope you aren't finding my little rant on house cleaning too annoying..

Here are some inspring household redecoration idea's :)

Hanging pictures or changing the location of pictures is a definite home refresher

I think this is a suuuper cute idea for redecoration,
escpecially for spring :)

this unfortunately, is not my fridge..
but it poses as a great example for organization
and is something I can definitely see myself doing while cleaning

 an easy DIY
I love this

credit to blog.designsquish.com for this
awesome idea!

I know this is classified more as a renovation
than a redecoration.. nonetheless I think it is a great idea..
and a great project for my boyfriend if ever we move somewhere with a staircase..

sticking marbles in holes in your backyard fence!
LOVElovelove this idea!

my boyfriends home decorating techniques
..he has good intentions :)

another DIY type site to consider checking out positivelysplendid.com
I hope you were inspired!


1 comment:

  1. I most definitely was inspired, so many wonderful ideas, especially for a DIY addict like myself:-) Thank you for such a wonderful post, Nicole!!
